
Councilman Manny Pelaez Accomplishments 

Infrastructure - Streets, Sidewalks, and Drainage 

  • Secured funds for a traffic signal at Kyle Seale Pkwy and Living Hills. This will be installed in 2021. 
  • Secured funds for Alley Repaving in Laurel Hills. These are currently under construction and will be completed by the end of February 2021.
  • Installed sidewalks along the West Side of Woller Rd as part of the FY 2019 Capital Budget.  This created a connection to Bonnie Connor Park. 
  • Filled sidewalk gap on Datapoint Rd. This included upgrading and installing sidewalks and driveway approaches to meet ADA requirements.
  • Filled sidewalk gap at Babcock Rd from 6623 Babcock Rd to 6539 De Zavala. 
  • Installed three (3) Solar LED Stop Signs at the Intersection of Babcock & Bamberger Way.
  • Secured funds for the Orsinger Low Water Crossing Drainage Improvement.  This project is slated to begin in the summer of 2021.
  • Secured traffic light in front of Brandeis High School to protect pedestrians
    Installed 4 pedestrian yield signs at NW Military and Vantage Point to protect pedestrians 
  • Deployed 2 new mast arms with flashing beacons and school zone signage near Hobby Middle School to protect pedestrians Delivered expanded lanes and improved sidewalks on De Zavala Road (bond project)

Parks and Trails 

  • Completed Hardberger Park Landbridge (bond project)
  • Delivered Floyd Curl Green Street bike trail in Medical Center (completed in 2019)
  • Secured funding for facilities and trail improvements at Eisenhower Park and Crownridge Canyon Park
  • Connected Eisenhower Park to 1604 trailhead (completed in 2020)
  • Developing Maverick Creek Trail to connect UTSA campus to Leon Creek trails (estimated completion by April 2021)
  • Worked on connecting The Rim and Eisenhower Park with 1.8 miles of trail(estimated completion by mid-year 2021)
  • Spearheaded funding and construction of Dan Markson Park, first City-sponsored park equipped for special-needs in San Antonio (estimated start of construction in Fall 2021)
  • Initiated new Fox Park Dog Park (estimated construction beginning in spring 2021) 

Supporting Families, Young Leaders, and Veterans

  • Authored the city ordinance requiring restaurants and entertainment businesses to make Baby Changing Stations accessible to both mothers and fathers
  • Spearheaded the City’s first Domestic Violence Comprehensive Plan to address high rates of domestic violence in San Antonio, allocated $1.7 million to fund this in the 2020 city budget
  • Led virtual leadership program over Summer 2020 to provide meaningful programming to students who missed out on internship and summer program opportunities due to COVID-19 – served over 30 families
  • Partnership with K9s for Warriors and Animal Control Service, connecting local shelter dogs with veterans

City Budget 2021 

  • Additional District 8 police Officers (added every budget cycle since 2017)
  • Increased Public Safety/Policing Budget
  • Allocated $346 million to health, housing, education and human services
  • $10 million for D8 Street maintenance and nearly $2 million for sidewalks
  • Funded dedicated Clinical Social Worker for District 8 homeless response and outreach
  • $8.9 million for a new Violence Prevention Division
  • Voted for transfer of 20 Crisis Response Team employees from police to Metro Health.
  • $27.5 million for affordable housing, including $1.3 million for emergency housing assistance and anti-displacement measures.
  • $36 million for addressing homelessness ($6 million for mental health services).
  • $114 million in Child and Senior Service.
  • $123 million to library, Pre-K 4SA, Head Start, and other education initiatives (with 2.6 million to scholarship and workforce programs).
  • $1.7 million for parks and trails development, maintenance and operation

 City Budget 2020

  • Roughly $10 million for Street maintenance and nearly $1.7 million for sidewalks
  • $34.4 million for affordable housing.
  • $5.4 million for congestion mitigation and air quality
  • $1.9 million for parks and greenways
  • $1.3 million to hire 16 additional police officers
  • $1 million for homeless initiatives
  • $1.6 million committed to addressing domestic violence
  • $380,000 to hire more firefighters

Intergovernmental Relations Committee (Chair)

  • Co-chaired State and Federal Advocacy Working Group during start of COVID-19 pandemic
  • Identified and brought home more than $270 million in stimulus funds in Spring-Summer 2020 at the start of the pandemic
  • Coordinated with County and San Antonio’s major corporations to fashion joint advocacy strategy to secure recovery and resiliency funding
  • Developed and led City’s state and federal advocacy agendas to make legislators aware of San Antonio’s needs
  • Funds secured through federal advocacy include  $13.9 million for vaccine activities, $46 million for emergency housing programs from 2020 Federal Omnibus Appropriations and COVID-19 Relief Bill

Innovation and Technology Committee (Chair)

  • Secured $27 million in FY 2021 budget for digital inclusion initiatives (supplanted by CARES ACT funding)
  • Pioneered “Connected Beyond the Classroom” digital inclusion initiative, which will bring broadband access to students in the top 50 areas most affected by the digital divide across San Antonio
  • Implemented artificial intelligence (AI) smart traffic management pilot program in the Medical Center to ease traffic congestion
  • Implemented smart streetlights pilot program to detect air quality, gather rainwater and flooding data, and save on electricity
  • Led development of transparency and accountability tool to help public better review city expenditure data
  • Launched “R&D League,” a research and development pilot program that partners with local corporations and universities to share the costs of innovative new technologies, such as
    City of San Antonio Idea portal with USAA to promote staff innovation and process improvement
  • Sensors on City vehicles to conduct passive infrastructure detection, identify areas for repair
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